Flavor is life

I was raised on Latin, American & Caribbean fusion food so my tastebuds are used to extremely flavorful seasonings. In addition to that my parents were raised on beaches and farms/country life so my experience with that food fusion was and still is even fresher because it’s what they required. Why? Because it’s what they were used to as well. While cooking I seem to find myself often going back and incorporating those flavors as well as other flavors that have influenced my life. A large part of that influence is now from my husband and his Indian upbringing. Like I’ve said before we share tons of similarities in our taste for food, food items, and flavors we’ve grown up on. i.e. curries, fresh food, spice, even love for the heat of hot peppers. His flavors are more Asian but he loves Latin and Caribbean food, American breakfast, and the culture of those places as well. I am now able to add all of these flavors to our daily menu and I am finding new ways to marry them into complete meals. Our children will, like me, grow up with this diverse palate. I hope you enjoy the food that’s being presented in my blog and are inspired to try them or create your own variations.

Hi there! Thanks for taking an interest in our lifestyle. Mainly we try our best to keep a natural and organic plant based lifestyle for our health and the planet’s. That includes trying to avoid gmo’s and nonorganic food. That also includes trying not to create waste. You’ll see some ways I reuse things or avoid using certain things all together. About 90% of our food consumption is organic and or non gmo. It’s the eating out that usually keeps us at that mark lol. I try to feed my family from our garden, I said try. We’ve been working on getting our garden growing which sometimes is a total fail but sometimes it’s a total success so if you have any input or you see a posting regarding the garden please feel free to comment or send me a message. As you know this is a multicultural household and we love being able to express as well as explore them learning more and showing/ teaching that to our children and you. With a bit of gardening, some homeschooling, help at school, cultural claustrophobia and embracing all at the same time we’ve created quite the life. With lots of love it can be an organized mess. But what family isn’t.

Yes don’t we all have the travel bug! Well my husband and I would travel to at least three places before the middle of the year would even start so you do the math. That was pre-kids, now the number has gone down because our trips are spread throughout the year due to our much busier schedules. Nevertheless who can resist a getaway. We sure can’t and neither can our kids! I love to share the different places, their landmarks and history, local events, food, and activities with you all. Finding out whether somewhere is perfect for the entire family or a mom and dad fire feeding hot spot is something that can be tricky. But honestly sometimes we take the kids whether it is or isn’t, especially if we think it’s something that may be a completely different culture and lifestyle than what they’re used to. Also in case you’re shocked, yes you read that we go on vacation without our children. They’re like couple retreats. And yes it’s hard to leave them every time. I actually cried for 24 hours during my first trip away from them. If you want to know more about that and how the trip turned out just let me know but right now I’m going to avoid it. Haha. Anyway we definitely take mom and dad alone time to new mainly intimate places so we can experience them together. In my opinion they help to reinforce and create bonds that were created when were a bit more carefree. They can give you time to talk and appreciate one another. These little adventures also help remind you of who you are so you can appreciate the person you’ve become as a parent not just a partner. But as a person and a parent they help maintain the fire, keep it growing and gives us time to focus on ourselves and one another. Warning, trips like these can result in adding more children to the household so vacation with your partner responsibly. Let me know what you think about the trips or share some of your own experiences in the comments! Enjoy
About us

We are an American multicultural multi racial family trying to raise global citizens. Namely citizens of the world that live for the planet without losing themselves. Yes that sounds all great but we’re also realistic parents LOL. It’s hard and gets crazy around here with twins and a singleton. I say it gets crazy a lot BECAUSE IT DOES, lol, I’m not here to fake it. Being a parent of multiples while trying to hold on to who you are is no joke. One year you’re marching against Monsanto a few years later you’re stuffing a bean burrito in your child’s mouth on a car ride home just so they won’t fall asleep and can eat before nap time. Things you thought were going to happen don’t, plans made are abruptly disrupted and things you didn’t plan just come together so well, sometimes. But this is life. In the midst of it all we are trying our best to eat and live clean. This might sound crazy but we have a goal of providing our kids with the best education we can. That doesn’t mean boarding school. It means even if it is being done at home, or at school, keep on mind that teachers can’t do it all, that it’s the best that we can do. It is just so our kids have options. Our idea is whether they want to go on to a prestigious college or if they want to settle in the Amazon jungle we want them to be prepared for either scenario. We try to expose them to as much as possible within their age or what we think is good for their age. That way they can grasp that there’s a lot more going on outside of the little neighborhood and close family and friends bubble.