Hi everyone thanks for checking in! I always say that but it’s true, I am thankful that you took time out of your day to swing by my page. Any who about our lodging. After researching a few hotels online, speaking to a few people whom I personally knew travelled there themselves, and then looking up their reviews online we decided to go with Airbnb. I, well actually we all felt like it was the best decision before and especially after the trip. I’ll list and get into a few reasons why.

Primarily, like anyone else we were looking at what was going to be economical . Let’s face it we have an entire family to look after and our friends may not have kids but they have a cat and pay bills in a place on the beach. Yeah economical is a good word. At the same time I won’t stay at a hole in the wall and the thing that scares me about Airbnb is I sometimes feel that you’re never going to really know what you’re getting until you get there. Thank goodness they have a review area that can only be utilized by past renters. Not even the guest that stayed with the registered boarder can. Unless of course the person that used the account allows them to. I like that because let’s face it people can get any ole person to leave a great comment. But not 161 of them. That’s how many the place we chose had and they were all five star reviews. Some places will have good reviews, some places will have bigger suites for more money of course, some place will have all of the above and less expensive but, the location will probably be further away from the main stuff. Ultimately it’s up to you.

Muralla was the name of our flat, which is ran by Mevis and her son Jorge, also yes you get an entire large spacious apartment for that price. We paid $80 a night but like any place that varies based on the season. For us this was perfect since we divided it between two couples. It’s located in the heart of Havana and is near all of the hot spots, I’m referring to the internet, bars, restaurants, and tourist attractions. Jorge was so kind to sit down with us and explain exactly where we were on a map and where we would find certain things. The apartment was a fully furnished 2/2 with three balconies, one in each bedroom and in the living room, all of them overlooked the city of Havana. Awesome view, pics below. Fully equipped kitchen so you can go shopping and cook food if you want. This was a plus for Kris and I given our diets and we heard that there was no vegan and very poor vegetarian food there. I actually brought cans of organic beans, tomatoes and seasonings with me. Lies, the food was great and vegan. I didn’t even use ANY of the stuff I brought and paid to check in. I’ll get detailed with the food on another post. For now as I stated on my Instagram you can have an amazing breakfast prepared for you every morning at a time of your choosing. Trust me you’ll want to do that, delicious, fresh, raw, organic that’s all I’m saying. Staying in an Airbnb you actually get to live with the locals, hang out with them and see the same neighbors daily.

And finally two of the main reasons I went with this Airbnb 1) their visible cleanliness. I.e. I searched those posted room and bathroom pictures. I zoomed in, looked for mold in the corners of the tiles, looked to see if they tried not to show full pictures, checked to see if the photos were perfectly cropped so you couldn’t see areas that may normally be worn or nasty. You guys DO NOT understand how important a clean place, most importantly a clean bathroom and kitchen are to me. Like I will walk out of an establishment and go into a bush if I have too lol. Thank goodness I haven’t had too. And 2) booking with an apartment owner or through Airbnb gives the owner a little bit more money in their pocket. As ALL of the Hotels are owned and operated by the government this means the people working there still don’t make that much. Remember it’s a beautiful country that is run under communist rule. Without getting into all of those details I’ll just say they aren’t bringing home any extra vegan bacon no matter how many guests are booking. Even with the Airbnb the owners are hit pretty hard with taxes and monthly fees by the government. Again booking Airbnb helps out that person a lot and the locals too. Additionally anything purchased for consumption by you does too.

That’s it, here’s what our place looked like. If you have any questions leave a comment or message me. Enjoy your weekend guys and travel!
Here is the Link to Airbnb – https://abnb.me/oXyEk1pGnQ
I wasn’t able to review the place because we did not make the booking, I’m not getting paid by them – they probably don’t even know I’m posting it here. We genuinely loved this place.
The link expired